satisfaction guarantee
Straw Sets
Gift Certificates

If, for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, click here for instructions on returning your straw(s). We will issue your choice of an exchange or a refund for the total amount of the items you are returning. (excluding shipping)

Lifetime Guarantee Against Breakage

If, for any reason*, your GlassDharma Drinking Straw breaks, you may return the broken straw for repair or replacement. If we cannot restore it to its original condition, we will gladly replace it.

Instructions for repair or replacement



*NOTE: Although we offer this unbelievable guarantee, we are NOT claiming that they are unbreakable. (Any more than your Pyrex coffee pot or pie plate would be.) Purposely "testing" GlassDharma straws is not advised and in some cases may result in the guarantee being voided.

NOTE: Unless merchandise is defective, buyer is responsible for all shipping costs to return merchandise to GlassDharma.